Can you believe the Winter Olympics are already here?! There’s skiing, curling, figure skating, hockey, snowboarding… the list goes on! All of the people performing over the next 2 weeks have trained for the most part of their lives for these events. It’s amazing the amount of strength and endurance they must have to achieve these feats. Each athlete must be strong in heart, both physically and emotionally.
Imagine how strong their muscles are and how low their heart rate must be to be able to get up each morning and push themselves through the aches and pains of their previous workout in order to get even better. Now imagine the precautions they must take to avoid the Norovirus that hit Pyeong Chang right before the start of the Olympics!
While I may not by any means be pursuing an Olympic medal, I still do things each day that require my body to be in optimal health. I need strong lungs to bring oxygen to my cells. I need a strong heart to pump healthy blood through my entire body every minute. I need strong legs to carry me from place to place. I need a strong immune system to keep me healthy while I touch and breathe in all the day's activities.
It's not just Olympians that should be strong and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Stay large and in charge by first supporting yourheart. The heart is the queen bee and should be loved on. When it is broken and weak, the rest of the body will sacrifice itself in hopes of taking some of the stress off the heart to bring it back to wellness. Without a healthy heart, the rest of your body will take the hits. This, in turn, can cause a negative chain reaction of systems shutting down and not working properly.
For 5 heart healthy habits, check out this post from Harvard Health.
Keep your body strong by supporting your heart. Some options for nutritional support and essential oils are InspiraCell, ReGenerZyme Heart, and Heart Harmony.
InspiraCell® nutritional supplements provide extra support to those organs and systems that work overtime to help support or bring the heart back to health.
ReGenerZyme® Heart nutritional supplements help restore and maintain the physical aspects of the heart.
Heart Harmony® essential oil fosters healing for both the physical and metaphysical heart by releasing the stress and anxiety taken from emotions or trauma.
Stay strong. Stay healthy. Who knows... you might start training for the next Olympics!